
Freedom of Speech and Press – comparative analyses of laws
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Comparative analyses of the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic and western countries on Mass media. The activity of Mass media is regulated according to the corresponding laws in developed western ...

Freedom of speech
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Impeding in realization of freedom of speech and religion right (for example, forcing to commit any devotions or, vice versa, illegal impeding in such devotions committing) is legally prosecuted. Making ...

Forbes introduced to censorship Publisher of the Russian Forbes stops printing for sake of Elena Baturina
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On the cover, they arrogated the phrase “My safety is guaranteed” to the business-lady. At the same time, she says in the article: “My rights are guaranteed as rights of ...

Right to truth
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This idea touches upon free speech even in those films which are not investigative in a literal sense. For example, the film about Gagarin and the book about him (of ...

Ali Ahmedov: “Law On Religious Freedom Liable to Amendments “
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All citizens of our country regardless of the religion have and enjoy the equal rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan: “Azerbaijan has never had the confrontation ...

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