Due to recommendations of a symposium held by TURKSOY in Istanbul on “Today’s condition of concord efforts among the Turkish dialects and met problems”, famous Gagauz poet, playwright, publicist, public figure Todur Zanet’s book “My Native Language” has been published in Azerbaijani. Todur Zanet has been the editor-in-chief of Gagauz paper “The Mother Word” and “Kirlangaj” (“The Swallow”) magazine since 1999. The National Anthem of gagauz written by him was adopted as the anthem of the republic.
The designer and author of the introduction of the book about the life and creativity of T. Zanet is the candidate of Philology Ramiz Asgar. Poems of the book are divided into two parts: social and political and love poems. Note that this is the first book of T. Zanet published in Azerbaijan.