
“This is a pure kind censorship” Federal Security Service forced “” to close
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In Masterhost Company they verified the letter receiving to “” correspondent.According to the Company’s press center head Ruslan Kurepin, they received the letter signed by the deputy chief of the ...

For speculators to break to pieces
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Knight Ridder was up as those who invest money in American newspapers have got accustomed with large profits, a teacher on management at the University of Georgia Conrad Fink assures. ...

“” reminded about the Prophet The cartoons scandal has reached capital mass media
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“The structure is right neither from formal nor from a logical point of view”, he asserts. According to Mikhaylin, the newspaper did not aim at offending readers but it was ...

Global crisis of free of charge mass media Foreigners will have to pay for information from the BBC web-site
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Even several years ago the wide spread Internet seemed to make quality information available for a mass reader. There were all grounds for such estimation – with a PC and ...

Free speech plus political correctness The BBC Corporation is trying to reconcile these two notions in its news programs
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No lesser predictable principles of the BBC activity are based on these values when they are followed on any news occasions which have to be covered by employees of the ...

Azerbaijan on the way to an information society
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The Ministry of Information Technologies was created to realize the state policy and to regulate market relationships in the sphere of ICT. Together with the World Bank we prepared a ...

Mass media on present-day stage of development
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Similar schools for journalists were opened in Germany, England, Italy and other countries. The total number of daily newspapers was over 2200 in the USA by 1915, however, after 1915 ...

The Black Internet
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As an example of such “pouring out” we may draw a publication of the printed materials and audio tapes from “Melnichenko’s tapes”. We may also remind the scandals with Yuschenko’s ...

What does Ombudsmen Institute on press promise? The process of press self regulation in the world leading countries
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No wonder that in spite of the Convention on access to information, the agreement “About cooperation with Europe”, the juridical act “On access to documents” of the European Parliament, of ...

“What courage is” – two sides of one question… Gentlemen! “A sleeping Armenian” it not “a sleeping beauty” to admire…
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As soon as Karabakh events took place, the Soviet thinking was launched. Battalion commanders and “political leaders” were ordered in an urgent way to hold lectures on “indestructibility of friendship ...

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