On March 10, “Natavan” club of Azerbaijan Writers Union hosted the presentation ceremony of books of the Persian poet Sohrab Sipehri and French poet Michel Welbeck. The books are from series of “525 books”. The editor-in-chief of “525-ci qəzet” (“The 525th paper”), secretary of AWU is Rashad Majid and the editor of the series is the editor-in-chief of the magazine “The World Literature”, poet Salim Babullaoglu.
Welbeck’s book “The Survival” includes his literary and social essays, as well as poems translated by Adil Mirseyid, Salim Babullaoglu and Parviz Yusif, whereas Sipehri’s book includes his verses and a poem translated by Candidate of Philology, orientalist Masihaga Muhammad. The introduction to the second book was written by the translator.
Remind that the books are published ( the number of books is 1000 for each book) with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism by “Mütərcim” (“Translator”) publishing house. Majority of them will be distributed through the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to libraries of the country and subscribers of “525-ci qəzet” free of charge.