10 more TV stations to begin broadcast

From the 1st November of 2009 the test review of the new popular-scientific channel “My planet” will be broadcated by WholeRussia State Television and Radio Company. The Vice-president of the Company Dmitry Mednikov informed about this. According to him, 10 million dollars were spended to the new project. It is expected to have the number of the viewers up to 15 million persons.

The company will begin broadcast 10 more TV stations on different themes from the next year. All proposed projects will be on the popular-scientific theme. Presently TV stations “Russia”, “Vesti”, “Cultura”, “RTR Planeta”, “Bibigon” are included into the structure of the company. Becides, the company is the owner of the russian version of “Euronews”. The broadcasting of “Sport” channel will be stopped from the new year. It will be substituted with the project “Russia-2”.


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